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CALL FOR PAPERS by June 15th 2014

COMER The Committee on Monetary and Economic Reform a highly respected Canadian Think Tank is pleased to announce a Call for Papers for the COMER 2014 Conference: Money, Tax and Poverty. We invite any person or interest group in the world to participate in a co-sponsored international Internet Agenda. Submit a paper title and brief overview of a Money, and/or Tax, and/or Poverty cause and affect presentation about usurism: money; banking, bank culture, structure, products, instruments, jargon, market, government, monetary policy, economy, budgets, deficits, politics, spin, psychology,  law, enforcement, trust, governance, compliance, oversight, corruption, fraud, greed and abuse, and, tax; revenue, avoidance, evasion, havens, budgets and spending, and, poverty; equality, bailouts, bail-ins, private debt, public debt, liability, cutbacks, environment, health, education, industry, hospitals, society, social services, security, rights and freedoms, and any other capital risk on the human condition. Papers due by June 15, 2014 will be subject to selection by Review Committees. A presentation video from each speaker is required as a public information record on the Internet by September 1, 2014. October through December Internet conference outcomes and country agendas, dates, venues and speakers will be announced.


Tuesday 18 March 2014: The Bank of England’s dose of honesty throws the theoretical basis for austerity out the window – David Graeber writes in The Guardian:

January 25th 2014: Justin Welby on reforming the International Monetary Fund:

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