An Open Global Table reflection at the turning of the year

An evocative record of a dialogue on Christmas and New Year 


New life dawns on earth as ‘I AM’, ’YHWH’
each year presents to this evolving world,
through gentle innocence and intimacy,
an infant in a manger, to inspire and renew us all,
each in our extra-ordinary enfleshed ordinariness,
our own incarnation.

Recognising that universal significance locally,
we can now together witness to our human community,
starting anew at Christmas to inspire us through 2025.’

A Prompt response


A family group
A sea of mysteries, a pale sky
Ancient rocks, pebbles, sea and wild wind
All Incarnate materialised love
All drawing smiles of joy and wonder
From A to Z, all children born of Love
Clustered together for warmth, and protection.
Each one ready to carry that Love
To whatever place, person or situation
Needs them here, now,
In the global womb of love. 
Love and good wishes in all you do in your own unique way,